“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.”
Dalai Lama
Leadership Accountability: Unlock Performance & Reach New Heights
I talk a lot about going above and beyond in leadership.
My brand and business manifesto is rooted in the belief that I can enable my clients and their businesses to new heights.
Because the thing about heights is that when you reach them, the next and higher height comes into view.
And it’s my job to help my clients to go on and conquer it.
Developing Leadership Skills: 7 Ways Being a Parent Can Help
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about parenting and leadership.
Leading a business and parenting are often placed in opposition. How can you excel at one without underperforming in the other? And although it’s challenging, both roles require highly complementary skill sets.
Understanding Entrepreneurs and Mental Health
In January 2021, Monzo Founder & CEO Tom Blomfield announced his departure from the role citing mental health issues.
To some people that might be surprising - a big, successful name like Blomfield making the decision to prioritise his mental health by taking a step back. If the perception of being an entrepreneur is to be believed, it’s all about thriving, not just surviving, on limited sleep and stress.
Transformational leadership - there’s no room for ego
I recently spent a couple of inspiring days with two different CEO groups, which gave me and them the opportunity to reflect on the learnings and experiences from the last year.
Need CEO Support? Try My Recipe for A Nourishing Peer Group
It’s often said that being a CEO or a senior executive in an organisation can feel like the loneliest job in the world, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
Business Transformation - Chessington Garden Centre
With all the hardship and discomfort of the past year it’s easy to forget that magic never dies – we just need to summon it into being.
Inspiring Leadership - 5 ways to unlock the power of spring
If you’re feeling depleted, you’re far from alone and it’s easy to forget that spring always brings a resurgence of energy and optimism.
Using Your Business Purpose to Make Things Happen
Leading a business can be both art and science at the same time. And while it should be straightforward, often it isn’t.
Three leadership tips for challenging times
Did your mojo go missing in action for a while?
Maybe it still is! After all, the pandemic has been hard on everyone.